Example of a service package
- 無制限の日本語によるフォローアップ及び、メンタリング
- 無制限のEメール/チャットによるサポート
- プレゼンテーション資料やメールの英語チェック及び、資料作成サポート
How we work
When working with our clients, we always start with the Client’s chosen objectives, which we develop in partnership. We then use a blend of approaches and techniques to ensure the Client gets what they need to achieve those objectives – no more, no less. Our work is tailored to the needs of the client, but projects often include the following:
Aun Communication のサービスは、クライアントのゴールを設定することからスタートし、そのゴール達成のために様々なアプローチや手法を活用していきます。具体的なサービス内容はクライアントのニーズ次第ですが、通常、以下のフローでコーチング&コンサルティング・サービスを提供しております。
An in-depth survey, which is usually a combination of questionnaires and interviews, with one or more of our consultants, depending on what’s needed. We cover the environment in which the Client works, key stakeholders’ perspectives and client resources and strengths, to get a good idea of context and mutual expectations. Most importantly, we don’t just look at the problem or the challenges faced by the Client, but also how they are currently managing, how others are involved and what resource is available to leverage in order to improve the situation.
A combination of techniques which best fits the Client’s needs, maybe including:
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Negotiation strategy development |
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Individual and/or group coaching |
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Training package development and delivery |
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Message structuring and language support |
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Message/Negotiation delivery support |
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Intercultural audit design and/or implementation |
All delivered virtually or face to face, with email and phone support, depending on needs.
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交渉戦略の立案 |
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コーチング(1対1 or グループ) |
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トレーニングの企画・開発・実施 |
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プレゼンテーションの構成及び英語サポート |
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交渉/プレゼンテーションの実行サポート |
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調査設計及び実施 |
Follow up evaluation and ongoing support under this focus area, if required. We find our clients need to try to ‘live’ with the solution for a time, before they can know if it works for them. We understand how difficult it can be to adjust the habits of a lifetime and support our clients throughout.
Aun Communication のサービスは、通常3ヵ月間以上のコーチング/コンサルティングを通して、社外の相談役としてクライアントと伴走します。
Case studies
Negotiation - break the stalemate

The Client was Manager in a large Japanese company. Their American partner company and the Japanese company were often not able to reach alignment on strategy. There were also some practical issues on the table which were causing further friction at the regular meetings.
Initial Survey
We started out our partnership by taking a broad look at the key stakeholders of the Client and this current situation, together. We don’t just take a look at the problems but also the exceptions: When the relationships and communication is strong, as well as when there are issues.
By the time we were involved, the ongoing stalemate between the two companies on certain issues had become entrenched and almost mythical in proportion. However, the Japanese Client had already built good relationships with certain members of the US team and was well trusted and widely respected in his own team. Both companies, despite their vastly different culture, were organised in similar ways, which meant there would be a certain understanding between teams.
Using the tools and resources which had been uncovered in our survey, we worked with the Client to develop some management communication solutions and tools to better connect with his counterparts, and to tap into and expand the elements which were working in their relationship. On a strategic level, a program of more senior interlocks were arranged, to engage management at the right levels. We also worked on communication strategies for the negotiation itself, focussing on the order of discussion, the structure of the presentation materials in English and developing natural delivery techniques. The strategies focused on expanding moments of mutual understanding and empathy, rather than trying to ‘win’ one over the other side - which came easily to the Japanese client. The Client was able to lead negotiations with much more confidence and defuse periods of confrontation, as they arose. After a period of this new way of working, we followed up to see if any further adjustments need to be made.
Following our work with the Client, good progress was made. After many months of stalemate, agreement was reached regarding the most pressing issues. Trust was built on both sides, on all levels of the organisation, which allowed the working relationship to blossom and for innovation to thrive in their joint line of products.
For more information, feel free to contact us.

Regions Bridge coaching - Developing trust through better communication

The Client was a new Manager in the regional overseas headquarters of a large Japanese company. His team members were frustrated about their lack of progression in the company and felt overlooked in favour of their Japanese counterparts. The systems implemented by HQ were also a source of frustration: the seemingly slow decision making and management reshuffle every few years meant that relationships and trust were at a low ebb. Back at HQ, Japanese management were also frustrated that the team were not as innovative and responsive as they had been previously.
Initial Survey
A wide ranging assessment of the key stakeholders exposed some deep intercultural misunderstandings, which the Client had to navigate as the new manager of this team, in order to enable the team to perform as they should. The team were not clear about their expectations from management and management were not clear on the activity of the team and their direction. The working cultures were seemingly so different that a large gulf had opened up, which seemed impossible for past Japanese managers of this team, sent from HQ, to overcome.
As we looked to the exceptions to the issues, and what was working, we found that attrition was very low. There was a lot of institutional knowledge in the team. The Client was also trusted and occupied a space between the local staff and Japanese management, very comfortably. If this could be leveraged to build communications between management and the team, then this would be the key to elevating the team’s status externally, and enabling better performance, internally.
Our Client had the natural building blocks of an international manager in place. However, it was important to work with them to show the team that this new manager had some value to them, beyond that of his given authority. We worked together to allow him to show his expertise, but remain humble and true to his comfort level, which was mainly due to his Japanese cultural background. This is a common cultural difference we see, which can cause a lot of misunderstanding and discomfort.
We helped the Client to put in place systems purely for information sharing, to allow both sides to build up their view of the other party’s value-add. The team were consulted ahead of cross regional performance sharing management meetings and debriefed afterwards. The management at HQ got to learn more about what the team were doing day to day and the value they provided in the regional context.
Also, to help alleviate the internal frustrations of the team, more information was regularly shared about the quite traditionally Japanese values of the company and what it takes to become a manager in that context. Following the implementation of these strategies, and our follow up consultation, we worked with our client to further reinforce the values messaging, by redesigning the appraisal process to better reflect these values.
The foundations were laid for this team to outdo their recent performance. But our Client was able to showcase the work of his team and saw the start of trust being rebuilt between the regional team and HQ management. An ease in internal frustration has led to better innovation and consistent performance for this team.
For more information, feel free to contact us.

Development of Intercultural Communication culture

The Client was and Executive manager in a large multinational manufacturing company. His organisation was made up of several teams in the US and different parts of Asia.
Initial Survey
Being a manufacturing organisation, there was a very strong engineering mindset deeply entrenched in the team. Any change activity they carried out was usually prescriptive in nature. It would be important to work with this mindset, and promote the benefits in a way that resonated with the team, in order for any change to endure.
We found that there was strong leadership competence, in all locations, which could be leveraged to lead this shift and help it to stick in the organisational consciousness. It was this strong leadership competence which had been getting the team through the challenges that they faced, but was leading to overcompensation for other’s lack of accountability, and burnout of the team in some cases.
To design the strategy for developing a strong culture of communication, the senior management were engaged closely. A “Train the trainer” approach was taken, recruiting a group of diverse ambassadors, who could lead their team from within, in each location. A common definition of what good communication means to the organisation was developed and propagated through the Ambassadors, so that it would be in all the group consciousness. Themes such as how to prepare and structure messaging, to leading with a coaching mindset and influencing through cultural difference were covered. Interactive training sessions, workshops, clinics and audits were introduced to enable the organisation to sustain the momentum and property embed the communication culture into daily life.
We helped the Client to put in place systems purely for information sharing, to allow both sides to build up their view of the other party’s value-add. The team were consulted ahead of cross regional performance sharing management meetings and debriefed afterwards. The management at HQ got to learn more about what the team were doing day to day and the value they provided in the regional context.
Also, to help alleviate the internal frustrations of the team, more information was regularly shared about the quite traditionally Japanese values of the company and what it takes to become a manager in that context. Following the implementation of these strategies, and our follow up consultation, we worked with our client to further reinforce the values messaging, by redesigning the appraisal process to better reflect these values.
The process is slow but progress has been made and communication has entered the team consciousness in a way not envisioned before. However, this kind of behaviour change activity can take many years to move forward incrementally, as the thinking required is a big shift from their usual technical-based thinking, which has been embedded throughout their value system. The organisation were put on a learning path, to grow as and organisation.
For more information, feel free to contact us.