Company overview
Emily Palmer
Emily grew up in London with a Thai mother and English father, so was brought up travelling and living between two cultural worlds. After obtaining a Mathematics degree and a Law degree, working in London, Kenya and Bangkok, in law, marketing and consulting, she settled in Singapore with Toru and their son, Joe. What started as an interest outside of work, became her professional specialization at a World leading technology MNC and, after moving back to London, her vocation. She enjoys helping those of different cultures be aware of themselves in intercultural situations, and hone their strengths, to achieve more effective communications and stronger relationships.
She specialises in strategic planning of communications and coaching clients to develop cultural awareness of themselves and others.
To learn more about Emily, read her Aun blog entries here.
Qualifications :
- MS in Executive Coaching and Organazational Consulting (2024), New York University, USA
- Master’s in Business Administration (MBA) (2015), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
- Bachelor’s of Law (LLB) Law (2009), BPP University, London, UK
- Legal Practice Course Diploma (LPC) (2007), BPP Law School, Leeds, UK
- Graduate Diploma in Law (GDL) (2006), BPP Law School, Leeds, UK
- Bachelor’s of Science (BSc.(ARCS)) Mathematics (2004), Imperial College, London, UK
イギリス人とタイ人のハーフ。ロンドンで生まれ育ち、イギリス政府、NPO、コンサルティング会社での勤務経験後、シンガポールに移住。Dell Singaporeにて、多国籍チームのコミュニケーション改善のためのトレーニングを企画・開発・実施。アジア人のマネジメント層が、欧米のエグゼクティブと効果的なコミュニケーションをとることを支援
。ロンドンに戻り、Aun Communicationを創業。公私に渡る異文化経験を活かしたビジネス・コーチング、クライアントの強みを活かすコミュニケーション戦略の立案、柔軟なファシリテーションが強み。
・Imperial College (UK) 卒業
・BPP Law School LLB (UK) 修了
・Nanyang Business School MBA (Singapore) 修了
・New York University, Executive coaching and consulting (USA)
Toru Yagi
八木 徹
Toru grew up in one of the largest consumer products companies (Suntory Holdings Limited) in Japan and for the 12 years he was there, felt at home. Experiences of living in Indonesia as a child and always mixing with those from a different background led him to want to travel and live abroad, and to help other Japanese do the same. Moving to Singapore to be with his family, he spent time managing teams of local employees at one of the largest Oil & Gas companies in Japan, and moving again with his family to London, he made the move to a large American Insurance MNC, before going out on his own.
He specialises in strategic management communications in Japanese companies.
His passion lies in helping managers to develop their ‘bridging’ capability, training and coaching clients who want to level up their intercultural competence.
To learn more about Toru, read his Aun blog entries here.
Qualifications :
- Master’s in Business Administration (MBA) (2015), Nanyang
Technological University, Singapore
- Bachelor’s of Economics (2004), Keio University, Japan
新卒以来12年間サントリーで勤務、国際結婚を機にシンガポールに移住。シンガポールでは出光にてローカルスタッフのマネジメントを経験。その後、ロンドンに移住。ロンドンで米系大手保険グループで勤務後、2019年に Aun Communication を創業。"日本を再び輝かせたい"という想いで事業を推進。
・慶應義塾大学 卒業
・Nanyang Business School MBA (Singapore) 修了
Our ethos

No culture is superior, only different
Interculturism is not just our work: It’s our life. We come from a mixed-culture background, our union is mixed-culture, and our children are growing up in a mixed-culture environment. We believe that in the future, in a World beyond Globalisation those with a mixed-culture experience will be best placed to navigate and soak up the beauty that World has to offer. We are passionate about sharing our experiences – both the tough and the beautiful - with those who are committed to achieving their potential as Global citizens.

Each client is different and deserves a best value partnership
We believe that culture is a personal experience, so clients will have different objectives in improving their intercultural communication competence. Sometimes we find that the real objective is not what the client originally thought. For example, the Client may want to focus on their performance in the next pitch to foreign clients, or the next negotiation with non-Japanese supplier, or a post M&A management strategy. It becomes clear through our discovery work that there are underlying management issues, or historical roadblocks impeding the relationship. Part of our value is helping to uncover the layers of culture shock that have gone unnoticed. We work on a practical level, sharing communication strategies, tools and coaching, to make sure our clients get the most value from our partnership.

Culture is made up of many layers. We must look from all angles.
We have shaped our intercultural identity through may diverse experiences, so we use a diverse range of techniques in partnership with our clients. It means we look at all aspects of the Client’s cultural experience, and we can provide a more rounded, tailored solution. We borrow from disciplines such as Neuro-linguistic programming, Solution-focused Brief Therapy, Systems Thinking, as well as using our varied backgrounds in functions such as Supply Chain Management, Marketing, Sales, Communications, Law, Commercial Consulting and Product and Business development. The tool box available to our clients allows us to think creatively and innovate by applying the right tool in each situation.